
This index contains one document per GitHub repository.

Name Type Description
fetched_on long Timestamp when the item was fetched, equivalent to metadata__updated_on.
forks_count long Number of forks of the repository.
grimoire_creation_date date Date when the repo was fetched.
is_github_repository long Used to separate repositories from other items such as pull requests and issues.
metadata__enriched_on date Date when the data were enriched.
metadata__gelk_backend_name keyword Name of the backend used to enrich the data.
metadata__gelk_version keyword Version of the backend used to enrich the data.
metadata__timestamp date Date when the item was stored in ElasticSearch raw index.
metadata__updated_on date Date when the item was updated on its original data source.
origin keyword The original URL from which the repository was retrieved.
repository_labels keyword Custom repository labels defined by the user.
stargazers_count long Number of stars of the repository.
subscribers_count long Number of watchers of the repository.
tag keyword Perceval tag.
url keyword Full URL of the repository
uuid keyword Perceval UUID.